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2017 KCC Events
2017-02-17 佛山市順德區工商業聯合會
2017-02-10 香港鞋業商會到訪本會
2017-01-05 珠海市金灣區政協領導到訪
2016 KCC Events
2016-11-22 亞太商工總會年會及大數據智能工廠台灣海外培訓課程
2016-11-21 九龍城民政事務署到訪
2016-11-15 九龍城警署到訪本會
2016-11-08 拜訪中聯辦台灣事務部
2016-10-26 「反辱華 反港獨」大聯盟集會
2016-10-11 陸委會杜嘉芬處長到訪本會
2016-10-10 第十三屆中博會
2016-09-24 第二屆港佛青年企業家交流會
2016-09-05 第三十九屆改選委員會通告
2016-09-05 第三十九屆選任理事封箱儀式
2016-07-12 The 39th Council Election Notice
2016-07-03 Councillors' Tour
2016-06-30 The 19th Anniversary of Hong Kong Handover Flag Raising Ceremony
2016-06-18 The 60th General Meeting
2016-06-16 Celebrating International Father's Day
2016-06-11 KCC Alumni Open Day
2016-05-28 Star Making Project for Ethnic Minorities
2016-05-25 Member Normal Meeting Notice
2016-05-21 Hong Kong Youth Lion Dance Competition
2016-04-18 Guangdong Investment Development Promotion Association visits Chamber
2016-04-17 Spring Tour to Pak Lap Wan & Kiu Tsui
2016-03-31 Visit to Education Bureau
2016-03-31 Distinguished guest from Hai'an of Jiangsu Province visits KCC Chamber
2016-03-16 Xianning County Chamber of Commerce Visit Chamber
2016-03-10 Mianyang Municipal Officials visit Chamber
2016-03-08 International Women's Day Celebration
2016-02-29 Shunde General Chamber of Commerce visits Chamber
2016-02-22 Luner New Year Celebration
2016-02-02 Chamber of Commerce Northern Territory Delegation visits Chamber
2016-01-24 Tour to Tsz Shan Monastery
2016-01-07 Charity mission to Northern Thailand
2015 KCC Events
2015-12-28 76th Anniversary Ceremony and Celebration Dinner of Kowloon Chamber of Commerce
2015-12-24 KCC Delegtaion to ROC Department of International and Cross-strait Education
2015-12-22 Xianning Municipal Government Officials visit Chamber
2015-11-30 till 12-01 Foshan-Hong Kong Entrepreneurs Exchange Forum
2015-11-28 Fund Raising Dinner for Charity Mission to Northern Thailand
2015-11-09 Road Show
2015-11-05 Cosmetic & Perfumery Association of HK visits Chamber
2015-11-18 Meeting with Hebei's Department of Commerce
2015-10-29 29th CACCI Conference
2015-10-15 LOCPG Shenzhen Training & Research Centre visits Chamber
2015-10-13 Visits to Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HK
2015-10-10 12th China International SME Fair - Opening for Hong Kong Products
2015-10-08 HK Commercial Publicity Assocaition's 66th National Day Celebration and 19th Inauguratio
Fashion Industry benefiting from 「Asian Century 2.0」
2015-10-05 All Sectors of HK Commerating the Chinese Victory of Anti-Japanese War
2015-10-03「One Belt One Road」Seminar cum KCC Open Day
2015-09-30 National Day Flag Raising Ceremony
2015-09-29 National Day Celebration Dinner at Beijing
2015-09-22 CACCI President Study Visit to Belarus
2015-09-19 Tung Ping Chau & Tap Mun Tour
2015-09-12 Lai Chi Wo, Kat O, Ap Chau
2015-09-11 Visits Taipei Economic & Cultural Offices
2015-09-10 66th National Day cum Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Dinner
2015-09-08 Study Tour to Qianhai
2015-08-24 Hong Kong West Point Baptist Church Senior Centre visit KCC Archives
2015-08-24 Anhui Study Mission visit Chamber
2015-08-18 AMO's「Friends of Heritage」visit KCC Archives
2015-08-15 China Association for Acupuncture and Moxibustion Annual Meeting 2015
2015-08-14 Networking Luncheon with Spring Airlines
2015-08-13 International Conference of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products
2015-07-28 Youth Entrepreneurs from Foshan visit Chamber
2015-07-16 「KCC Elite Development Programme for the New Century 2015」- Graduation Dinner
2015-07-13「KCC Elite Development Programme for the New Century 2015」-Opening Ceremony at CUHK
2015-07-05~16-KCC Elite Development Programme for the New Century 2015
2015-07-07 New Taipei City Medical Association visits Chamber
2015-07-02 Vietnam Consul General visits Chamber
2015 KCC Events(Part1)
2015-06-28 New Taipei City Jewelers Commercial Association 26th Members Representative Conference
2015-06-27 The 18th Anniversary of Hong Kong Handover Flag Raising Ceremony
2015-06-13 The 59th General Meeting
2015-06-11 Celebrating International Father Day Dinner
2015-06-11 State University of New York visits Chamber
2015-05-16 40th Hong Kong Youth Lion Dance Competition
2015-05-07 Celebrating International Mother Day
2015-04-19 KCC Councilors Tour
2015-04-17 Hebei Association Trade in Services visit Chamber
2015-04-16 Association of Xin Hui Si Qian visits Chamber
2015-04-12 Cross-Strait Four-Region Chinese Medicine (Hong Kong) Forum
2015-04-11 Cross-Strait Four-Region Chinese Medicine (Hong Kong) Forum
2015-04-10 Cross-Strait Four-Region Chinese Medicine (Hong Kong) Forum
2015-03-25 Visits to Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in HK
2015-03-24 LOCPG (KLN) Eternity Love Foundation visit Chamber
2015-03-14 7th Taipei Traditional Chinese Medicine International Forum 2015
2015-03-10 New Year Dinner of Hong Kong Commerce Chambers 2015
2015-03-03 Celebrating International Women's Day Dinner
2015-02-28 KCC Archives Openning Ceremony Cum Chinese New Year Celebration
2015-01-07 Ex-Director of Museum of History, Prof. Joseph Ting visits Chamber
Upcoming Events
Reception guests
Yang Jianping, deputy director of the Liaison Office of the Council visit
Guangzhou Federation leaders visited Kowloon Chamber of Commerce
Shunde Federation, Daliang visit the Council Chamber
Zhuhai Golden Bay Area leaders to visit the Council
Elderly and Disability Commission SME League of Nations to visit the Council
Zhuhai Golden Bay guests government leaders visited the Council
Exchange visits
The Directorate will visit Beijing
Mining and agricultural suppliers to visit Iran always (ICCIMA)
Dr. Chi-Kong Shue Yan University District Access director
School of Chinese Medicine, Hong Kong Baptist University, two thousand and fourteen Sino-Japanese Ne
Visit the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office
Zhuhai, Zhaoqing business delegation
Access and visit the Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Asia-Pacific Association of Commerce and Industry of the Russian delegation to visit Summit
Visit the
Visit the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and luncheon meeting
Visit ICAC
Community care
Yau Tsim District JPC honorary president of the inaugural Ceremony 2014 Community Fun Day Communion
Mobil will hold Liwan neighborhood,
2014-03-24 「送炭到泰北」第一次籌備會議
Academic research
Sixth Taipei International Forum on Traditional Chinese Medicine
Professor Song Xiaozhuang visit the Council Presentation - 2017 Chief Executive election talks
115th Session of China Import and Export Fair tours
SMEs in the wholesale and retail upgrade lectures
Tsim Sha Tsui
Tang Yiyuan Taiwan Liaison Office of the Minister of the
New Century Association
New Era Administrative Elite Training Program 2014
New Century Elite Association (Hong Kong)
New Century Elite Association (Mainland China)
New Century Elite Association (Taiwan)
For member
《香 江 講 座之21世紀中國--過去三千年VS.未來一百年》
香 江 論 壇《近窺台灣大選與前瞻兩岸關係》
Seminar on Investment Arbitration and Public Opinion
工業貿易署「中小企業發展支援基金」 及 「中小企業市場推廣基金」有畫措施及簡介會
中小企業研討會-「掌握歐美市場最新情況 應對出口市場轉變」
香 江 論 壇——前瞻二0一六台灣大選
一帶一路 新疆考察團
《中小企業研討會「員工升級 企業得益」》
會員尋常會議通告書 (三十八)總字第一三七號
Hong Kong Business Mission to Santiago(Chile) & Mexico City(Mexico)
Chinese Medicine Development Information
兩岸四地中醫中藥發展(香港)論壇舉行,委員呼籲—— 讓港澳成為推動中醫藥海外發展的“橋頭堡”
兩岸四地中醫中藥發展(香港)論壇舉行 讓港澳成為推動中醫藥海外發展“橋頭堡”
2016-01-07 Charity mission to Northern Thailand
Charity mission to Northern Thailand